the temporal lobe the temporal lobes contain a large number of sub structures functions. include perception face recognition object recognition memory acquisition understanding language and emotional reactions damage to the temporal lobes.
- can result in intriguing neurological deficits called egg gnosis. which refer to the inability to recognize specific categories such as body parts colors faces music and smells functions associated with the temporal lobe include recognition perception hearing vision smell understanding languages and learning in memory deep. stimulation of the temporal lobe has been shown to produce profound religious and out-of-body experiences schizophrenia is the cognitive disorder most closely aligned to temporal lobe.
dysfunction Irit Ani reviews neuro pathological abnormalities in schizophrenia suggesting that it may be considered a neurodevelopmental disorder the primary impairment and early Alzheimer’s may be traced to the medial temporal lobe and speech and social dysfunction and autism has been linked to the superior. temporal sulcus conditions associated with temporal lobe damage include difficulties in understanding speech Wernicke’s aphasia faces prosopagnosia and objects agnosia inability to attend to sensory input persistent talking long and short-term memory loss increased or decreased interest in sexual behavior and aggression you.